I know you have heard of Lake Tahoe. Well we live close to this magnificent lake and never take it's beauty for granted. Looking for a new place to Discover for your next Vacation? Well I can highly recommend a visit to Lake Tahoe will take you back in time. VACATION TO LAKE TAHOE OR BUST. You will not be disappointed with your decision to visit Lake Tahoe. California is a perfect place to spend some quality time and you will be recharged with one day. Lake Tahoe is a perfect place to do a ROAD TRIP.
There are activities for the entire family and I know you will never be board. Taking a Walk along a trail and be at water's edge is a perfect way to enjoy the natural beauty. Tall Pine Tree's, sandy beaches, camping, water sports and skiing are some of the favorite activities that been people to Lake Tahoe from all over the world.
No matter where you live in the world there are people that are willing to come to your part of the world to see and visit what your State or Country has to offer. I tell people to look up the Chamber of Commerce in the cities that they plan to visit. You can find schedules of events, local festivals or exhibits that you might miss if you don't explore some of the sites available to you. You can find some Visitor Information at http://tahoechamber.org/pages/VisitorInformation/

Lake Tahoe has something to offer for every member of the family. The lake is accessible from several directions. There are roads around the lake that will add up to 72 miles, but you need to allow several hours to drive as you will make lots of stops so you don't miss anything. Check out this website for things to see and do. http://www.frommers.com/destinations/laketahoe/1083010025.html Emerald Bay is a favorite of many visitors as it has been painted by may artist who admire the unusual beauty of the area. SUNNYSIDE is a perfect area of the Lake that brings you back into time. Little Cabins dot the lakeside and can be rented if you are looking for a blast from the past. North Shore is a good place to see a relaxed community that is geared up for visitors with a convention center in King Beach. Sand Harbor is the park that Hosts the Shakespeare Festival. Info -->
Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival (telephone number.
800/747-4697; www.laketahoeshakespeare.com). Snow Sking is Very Popular and you can check out the local Ski Resorts for Hours and Rates. Heavenly Valley is located in South Lake Tahoe Area. Squaw Valley is just north of Tahoe City and was the site of 1960 Olympics.
Well help this gives you some ideas of things to do and see on your Vacation to Lake Tahoe.
Happy Travel.
Jeanne Felix, Travel Agent 916 768-0210
Hearts on the Go Travel, Division of Cordially Yours Travel
California Seller of Travel
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